You can now pre-order Dating the It Guy on Amazon for your Kindle. The paperback pre-order should be coming shortly. You can find the book here:
Today we have author Krista Wagner sharing with us her letter to her younger self.
When you get to junior high, you are going to see a lot more cliques. People you thought were friends will talk about you behind your back and keep secrets from you. Know that you are valuable and that their behavior is their fault, not yours. Know that there are people who will treat your right and care for you and want to be your friend. hang around these people instead. There will also be boys who are cute, but most of them will be too immature to talk to you or want to dance with you at the dances. That’s okay. You are still getting to know yourself too and have a lot more time to grow in your personality. Some school subjects will be hard to understand, so don’t be afraid to talk to the teachers and ask questions whenever you are confused. And if they don’t help, then ask your parents to step in. No matter how hard or awkward things might be, know that God is right there with you, that you always will be loved by Him, and that He will guide and protect you. Follow Krista here: BIO:Krista Wagner is a 70's product of Southern California who lives with her Marine Corp veteran husband, three very entertaining children, and an indispensable faith in Christ. She graduated from National University with an MFA in Creative Writing. Her debut novel Intent, a spiritual dramatic thriller, was published in 2014. Her psychological thriller, Rian Field, The Gold, a middle-grade fantasy, and her YA realistic issue-driven novel, indigo, were published in 2016. She has been an English Instructor since 2008. She enjoys suspenseful films, reading the Bible, and spending time with her family. Sharing my cover for Dating the It Guy today. The cover was done by Cora Graphics. I'm so excited about the book releasing from Clean Reads on March 21st. You can read the blurb here: Emme is a sophomore in high school who starts dating, Brendon Agretti, the popular senior who happens to be a senator's son and well-known for his good looks. Emme feels out of her comfort zone in Brendon's world and it doesn't help that his picture perfect ex, Lauren seems determined to get back into his life along with every other girl who wants to be the future Mrs. Agretti. Emme is already conflicted due to the fact her last boyfriend cheated on her and her whole world is off kilter with her family issues. Life suddenly seems easier keeping Brendon away and relying on her crystals and horoscopes to guide her. Emme soon starts to realize she needs to focus less on the stars and more on her senses. Can Emme get over her insecurities and make her relationship work? Life sure is complicated when you're dating the it guy. Letter to Teenage Self Dear Darlene The future is yours, no need to be afraid. Everything will work out, don’t waste time worrying. Things won’t always go as planned but it will be an awesome life. There will be some sadness and heartache but it will be nothing compared to the happiness and adventure you will have. Most of all, you will have much love in your life. You family and friends will support you every step of the way, no matter how crazy they may think you are. One door will close and others will swing open as you have the ability to recognize opportunity. You will meet the most amazing people along the way, make sure you learn from them. There is no road map, your life will not go in a straight line but the ups and downs, the ins and out, the twists and turns will make it interesting. There are no impossible dreams for those who make their own kind of music. Just do it girl and don’t let anyone stop you. Live, laugh, love will be your motto. From Darlene Foster Graphic provided by Darlene Foster Author Sue Ford joins us today to share her letter to her younger self. Check this out!
Dear Younger Self, Please don’t despair! Yes, you, 14, 15, 16-year-old teen. I know it’s hard that the boys you like don’t like you back. And it’s not because you aren’t pretty enough, or you don’t know how to talk to boys, or that something else is wrong with you. In reality most girls and guys your age aren’t in a relationship and aren’t ready for a relationship. But that’s probably not very comforting. Yes, I see you lying on the couch listening to melancholy songs like the Moody Blues Knights in White Satin. Thinking you’ll never have a love of your own. But it’s not true. When you are 17, a guy you met at 16, will make it clear to you on Senior Skip Day that he really likes you. And you’ll like him back. He’s a really nice guy, with flavors of your favorite musician, John Denver. You’ll date all summer after your senior year—his junior year. So much for your I’m “never” dating a younger guy idea. He’ll talk enough for both of you, but draw you out as well. Then comes your freshman year in college. What an ego boost it will be. Your college has four times as many guys as girls, so most of your classmates will be guys. Doors will be held open for you. Guys your age and older will pay attention to you. There will be some weirdos. And some nice guys, but after a bit of experimenting, who do you come back to? That one that gave you the sweetest kiss on Senior Skip Day. Like grows to love and you now turn down all other offers. During the summer after his senior year, he almost off-handedly asks you to marry him. You say yes, but the two of you decide not to tell anyone until December. When he goes off to college in another town, you write letters back and forth which you both treasure. And you see each other whenever you can. It’s your aunt Florence who notices what’s going on. At Thanksgiving she asks you a direct question, “When are you two getting married?” “July,” you answer, then realize, oh, my gosh, we’d better tell our parents. You do so quickly and probably awkwardly. You won’t even remember what they say. But does it matter? No. Does it matter that complications from a car accident mess up your wedding plans? No. You get married on the chosen date and start a happily ever after life together. He’ll do things such as make you custard when you are sick. Hold you when you are sad. Teach you how to be less shy. You’ll get through hardships together. You’ll learn and grow even closer to one another. The love of your own will be more than you can ever imagine. So hang in there. I’ll be well worth the wait. Bio Sue Ford writes for children as Susan Uhlig and for adults as SM Ford. Her most recent book is an inspirational romantic suspense--she loved reading romantic suspense as a teen. You can read about the book on her website: If you're interested in her children's writing, go to I'm very excited to have a fellow Clean Reads author, Heather Gray, here to share her letter with her younger self. Heather is the author of the Ladies of Larkspur inspirational western romance series, including Mail Order Man, Just Dessert, and Redemption. She also writes the Regency Refuge series with titles His Saving Grace, Jackal, and Queen as well as contemporary Christian romance. You can check out her website every Wednesday for her reoccurring blogs with excerpts from different authors on Wordy Wednesdays.
Letter to My Younger Self By Heather Gray Dear Me, I'm just like you, only with a little more wisdom and perspective. Not quite enough to actually be wise yet, but I'm on my way. Okay, and I have a few more pounds on me, too. There are a couple of things you might want to know about life. It's fleeting. It's fantastic. It's painful. Why does this matter? Well… it might help you the next time you get a bad grade. Or, more importantly, it might give you enough perspective so you can recognize what actually constitutes a bad grade. Let's go over a few things. Don't cry if you miss one word on a spelling test. Don't feel like a failure if you don't get picked to be on the school-wide radio program. Don't worry too much if you can't master the German language by the end of the fourth grade. (Especially since you only started studying it halfway through the fourth grade. In a once/week class at school. Sounds like a no-brainer, doesn't it? Oye, you were such a stubborn little thing.) Jump double-dutch more often. It's fun. Practice your neigh. There aren't enough little girls in the world who can imitate a horse. Be a camera hog. Once you reach five feet in height, you'll look kind of weird diving behind furniture to avoid getting your picture taken. Those pictures never look good. In fact, they're kind of embarrassing. That about sums it up. Life is going to deal you some crippling blows, but bowing under the weight isn't going to be an option. People will be depending on you. The stubbornness that wouldn't let you give up on German is going to come in handy. You'll find strength you didn't know you had, and you'll be ever so thankful you learned some of these lessons early enough to have properly embraced life. You'll be thankful for the kazillion laughter-filled memories when those troubling times come. You're also going to learn to cling to your faith in a spectacular way. Don't be ashamed of that. It's a sign of your strength, not of weakness. Oh, and one more thing. You're never going to master even the rudiments of German. But it's okay. You'll learn to live with it. Sincerely, You in a Few Years Check out Heather on her social media sites: Social Media Links: ![]() KOSMOS Episode One: The Pendant Author: Jo Linsdell About the book: Teenager Matthew Smith feels like his life is a mess. He keeps arguing with his mum, is being bullied at school, and worst of all has a crush on a girl from school who does seem to even know he's alive. Just when he thinks things couldn't possibly get any worse he finds a strange pendant that changes his life forever. KOSMOS is a serial fiction of 12 episodes. Purchaing link: ASIN: B01N32IN1N About the Author Jo Linsdell is the author of numerous books, including; How To Be Twittertastic, Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home, Italian for Tourists, A Guide to Weddings in Italy, Out and About at the Zoo, Fairy May and The Box. She is also the illustrator of the A Birthday Clown for Archer series (written by Kathy Mashburn) and the Jasmine Dreams series (written by Maria Rochelle). She is the founder and CEO of Writers and Authors and Promo Day. Linsdell studied A-levels in Business Studies, History and Art and has won several awards in her career. She was named the Who's Who in the writing industry in 2009. Connect with the author at ![]() Author: Sara R. Turnquist Title: Hope In Cripple Creek Publisher: Clean Reads How to reach me:
Blurb: Tragedy strikes Katherine Matthews and the small town of Cripple Creek, Colorado. An epidemic teams her with an old enemy, Wyatt Sullivan, the town’s doctor. In the midst of desperation and death, Katherine has decisions to make. But she has no idea to what extent they will affect her daily life and livelihood. The town is turned upside-down when the gold miners go on strike. The owners bring in outside reinforcements, ready to break the resolve of the Western Federation of Miners. Everything in an upheaval, Katherine faces a crisis of faith and hard choices. Will life ever be normal again? Buy Links: Amazon: Barnes & Noble: Kobo: Smashwords:
Excerpt: “Katie!” Someone shook her, rubbing her face. “Katie!” Her eyes opened. There was no tunnel, no Ellie Mae. Katherine was in the hotel room in Denver with Wyatt. He leaned over her, hands on her arms, shaking her awake. Ellie was dead and had been for many years. Katherine lay covered in a layer of sweat as tears flowed down her face. “Katie, are you all right?” Wyatt asked, his voice now gentle as he pushed her hair out of her face. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his embrace. “That must have been some nightmare. But you’re safe.” Katherine did feel safe in his arms, but the memory of what happened to Ellie was fresh in her mind, in her heart, and she couldn’t let herself remain in Wyatt Sullivan’s embrace. She pushed at him to create some distance between them. She smacked at her face, wiping the tears away. “I’m fine,” she lied. His eyes darkened. Who cared if he didn’t believe her? But she would have none of his comforting. The wound was fresh. He had left Ellie Mae behind. Today I'm over on the Alz Authors website talking about how young adult fiction can help heal and educate. I share what inspired me in my own life to write about Nick's grandfather in Competing with the Star. I have to say this was the hardest thing for me to write. You can check out the piece here: |
AuthorAuthor of the Landry's True Colors Series, the Cecily Taylor Series, the Star Series, and Dating the It Guy. Archives
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