Today YA author Emerald Barnes shares her celebrity crush with us!
I remember my first celeb crush well. Devon Sawa. As a child of the nineties, you can probably understand my obsession. Devon Sawa was in films like Casper (though he was only in it for like a minute) and The Little Giants (my absolute fave film as a kid!). I swear I watched The Little Giants about five times a week, maybe more! As a young girl, and adult really, I had a very active imagination, and I would reenact the film in my mind, though I would pretend I was the girl he fell for. I mean, come on, I was a kid, and Devon Sawa was hot! He was right up there with JTT for me. I guess JTT was another one of my celeb crushes, but I really, really liked Devon Sawa. I seriously think it was The Little Giants that sealed the deal for me on him as far as falling for him first. Then, it was all things JTT. And after JTT, I discovered N’Sync and Justin Timberlake. I’ve always had a thing for celebrities, but I suspect most do. There’s something alluring about them, and though my celebrity crush changes based on what TV show I’m obsessed with, I still remember my childhood crushes very well. Some days, I miss those feelings: watching a show/movie just to see the hottie in it, that feeling of giddiness associated with being a teenage girl seeing her crush. There’s a bit of nostalgia even as I write this post and seeing these actors on the big screen still brings back those feelings. I’ll never forget you, Devon Sawa. About Emerald Barnes: Emerald Barnes resides in a small town in Mississippi and has the accent to prove it. She’s an auntie, a youth leader, a Whovian, a little bit of a nerd, a reader, a writer, and a family-oriented person. God is number One in her life, and she thanks Him continuously for His love and favor. She’s addicted to tv and binge-watching shows, and she has a thing for superheroes. Connect with Emerald: Website: Blog: Pinterest: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Fan Team: Amazon:
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Today we have author Kiarra M. Taylor sharing her childhood celebrity crush! Read on to meet her ideal!
Crush krəSH/ informal: a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate. Above is the technical definition for crush. Below you will find one that is decidedly…mine. So, I’m a 90s kid. I grew up when TLC was hot stuff, scrunchies were all the rage, baggy (like, super baggy) jeans and plaid shirts were life and so was wrestling. Now, when you think wrestling, you think what? WWE. I was (and am still) a huge WWE fan, and that’s largely in part thanks to the 6”5, 220 pounds, one-eyebrow raising, if ya sme-e-e-e-e-e-ellllll, tongue wagging, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. *sighs dreamily and squirms in seat just seeing his name on my screen* To say I have a “crush” on this man, this Samoan God on earth, is so…so…pedestrian. I would quite literally drink his bath water. Hell, they could bottle it up and I’d buy it by the truckload! When Dwayne (he and I are on a first name basis after all these years) returned to wrestling in 2011 or so, and he and the whole WWE ensemble trekked to the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I was there hours--hours—before the doors opened, scoping out the venue and trying to catch a glimpse of the man I know is destined to one day be my husband. Yes, I know he just had a daughter not too long ago, and has another one on the way, but that’s only because I told him I don’t want any more children so he’s just sowing his royal oats. He’ll be back. Soon and very soon! LOL. Okay, delusions aside, this man really is my all-time, never-changing crush. Not just because he’s freakishly tall, handsome, and bulky, either. But also, because he just seems to be one great human being. He champions so many good causes and he treats his fans so graciously, which I got to witness firsthand both of the times I saw him in action at a WWE event. But, that bald head, those muscles and that goatee don’t hurt, either. Just sayin’. *wink, wink* Since my book inspired by my childhood celebrity crush released yesterday, I thought I would ask some authors to share their own childhood celeb crushes! First, we meet author Angela Schroeder.
When I was asked to come on here and discuss childhood crushes in anticipation of Krysten’s next release I was excited. I have been waiting for this book to come out, Krysten’s books are something that my daughter and I share a love for. Looking back on my childhood it seemed like I always had a crush on someone. It all started when I was about five and I had a crush on the teenage boy who worked at the restaurant that my mom worked at. I recall everyone calling me a little flirt. Then it progressed from there. My brother’s friends, classmates, even a friend’s uncle. But since I know that Cecily’s crush is a celebrity I thought I would share about my celebrity crush. It all started when Buffy the Vampire Slayer debuted. That first episode had me hooked on David Boreanaz. I saw him as a tall, handsome, brooding man with eyes that you could get lost in. I was certain that he was my soul mate. All we had to do was come face to face and we would know that we were meant to be together. This was a time in my life when I had just been diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, and panic attacks. Back before there was a lot of information on it. Nobody knew how to deal with it, teachers didn’t know how to handle things when I had a panic attack in class. Friends did their best to be there for me but it was something that people didn’t know about. Whereas today, you can find information about it everywhere and people openly talk about it. During this time I felt like I didn’t connect with a lot of people. So I connected with David (or rather the David I imagined based on his character and the few interviews that were in the teen magazines). I imagined him to be someone who would understand what was going on in my life. He would know what to do if I had a panic attack so this crush went on. I even wrote to him. I never sent him letters! Every diary entry started out with Dearest David. I would pour my heart and soul out to him. Tell him everything that bothered me, share my hopes and dreams. I was able to reveal my biggest fears in the safest way, in letters to him. Letters that I knew nobody would ever read. It helped me to not feel so alone. It helped me through a difficult time in my life. For that I am thankful for childhood crushes. That crush lasted for about two seasons of the show. Then it faded. I have had many crushes since then. Boys from school, actors, singers, coworkers, friends of my brothers, and even a doctor I know. But that crush in early high school was special because it helped me. I will always fondly recall my crush on David Boreanaz. I would love to hear about your childhood crushes. Is there one that sticks out when someone asks you who you had a crush on when you were younger? Author Bio Angela Schroeder is a Conveyor of stories, mother of 3, drinker of tea, gatherer of books, adorer of winter. She was born and raised in Iowa in a river town known for its pearl buttons. Having four siblings she never lacked for someone to play with, as she grew older she found herself pulled into books and writing more and more. Her parents are her heroes, her siblings her confidants and tormentors and her children are a wonderful blessing. Church is important to her children and her. They enjoy the friendships they've made with the people there. Writing has always been a passion. Her first experience was in fifth grade when she went to a one day writing conference. After that she knew it was something she wanted to pursue. Find Angela here Facebook Twitter Amazon author page It's finally here! Can Dreams Come True released today and I'm so excited for you to meet Cecily Taylor Damone and her pop star crush, Andrew Holiday! Check out the blurb here: Cecily has always had a huge crush on singer Andrew Holiday and she wants to be an actress, so she tags along when her friend auditions for his new video. However, the director isn’t looking for an actress, but rather the girl next door—and so is Andrew. Cecily gets a part in the video and all of Andrew’s attention on the set. Her friend begins to see red and Cecily’s boyfriend is seeing green—as in major jealousy. A misunderstanding leaves Cecily and her boyfriend on the outs and Andrew hopes to pick up the pieces as he’s looking for someone more stable in his life than the models he’s dated. Soon Cecily begins to realize Andrew understands her more than her small-town boyfriend—but can her perfect love match really be her favorite rock star? Take a peek at an excerpt here: I started to feel anxious after lunch. After all, I had been an Andrew fan for a long time, and even though I had seen him in person, this was a huge deal to get to meet him. What if he wasn’t what I had imagined? I didn’t expect him to fawn over me or anything, but what if he was rude or ignored me? It would kill my fantasy of him as being this sweet, quiet, sensitive songwriter who wore his heart on his sleeve while also being kind of a loner/rebel with just a touch of bad boy in him. Oh man, I would be crushed if he didn’t notice me or worse—if he ended up flirting with Harlow. In all his magazine interviews Andrew always said looks weren’t important to him, and what he noticed in a girl was if she was true to herself. He said he went for “bright girls who were sweet and easy to be with.” Now that I thought about it, that was the kind of fake crap magazines put out about all the teen celebrities. It was like when I saw Lawrence Claibourne, my favorite actor who claimed to be Mr. I’m-just-looking-for-a-sweet-girl-to-read-poetry-to on a red carpet with a model whose boobs were falling out of her dress and had overdone the lip fillers—I mean, you just knew he wasn’t into her for her personality. But Andrew wasn’t like Lawrence. Andrew seemed so sincere and deep. Lawrence had a smirk and you could tell he was a player, but Andrew seemed like he had been hurt and needed to find the right girl who he could open up to and learn to trust again. . .or at least that’s what he said in his last interview. The final bell rang and my heart shot up to my throat. This was it. I was on my way to meet my crush. From now on, any dreams of him would be marred by the reality I was about to face. Was it better to keep wondering what if and keep the fantasy alive or to go and actually meet him? Pick up a copy here: Amazon US: Amazon UK: Amazon IN: Amazon Germany: Amazon Canada: Amazon AUS: Barnes and Noble: ![]() I Am Me by Kai Strand #YA #Contemporary Despite—or perhaps because of—her fancy car, private school education, and life of privilege, Lola Renaldi has become a volunteer junkie. Feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, visiting the elderly—if it’s a good cause, she’s done it. Lola’s favorite stint, building affordable houses, puts her directly in the path of Rodney. He refuses to discuss why he’s doing community service, but it’s clear he’s hiding something dark about his past. As their friendship grows, Lola begins to question the true reasons for her obsessive volunteerism and her view of those she has pledged to help. She is only beginning to understand how lucky she truly is when her life falls apart. After losing friends, her boyfriend, even Rodney, Lola finally recognizes which parts of her life she wants to hang on to and what specifically she wants to go after. But with all she’s been through, will she be able to hang onto who she wants to be? Or will she lose all that defines her? Excerpt: With slight trepidation, I exit the restroom. Rome took off his jacket shortly after we started to dance. I bite my bottom lip at the striking image he makes in his black tuxedo slacks and the all white upper half. The perfect fit of the vest shows off his long lean body. I feel like a hypocrite for ogling him but expecting him to keep control of himself. I chose this dress for a reason, but now that it has been so successful, I wonder what my true expectations were. What was I thinking? He’s in college. He doesn’t live at home. He can have sex whenever he wants. Doesn’t that mean he’ll expect it from me? Have I already given him the wrong idea by wearing a sexy dress? He spots me in his peripheral vision and walks forward to meet me, holding a bottled water in front of him. My mouth waters again. From the drink, I think. “Thought you ditched me.” “I would never!” He chuckles. “I’m kidding.” I feel him watching as I chug half the contents of the bottle and I wonder what he’s thinking or if I’d want to know what he’s thinking. Probably not. I stop drinking so fast, some water sloshes onto the carpet. “Look, Rome. I hope I haven’t given you the wrong idea.” His brow furrows. “About what?” I swallow, wishing I hadn’t just blurted that out loud, but thinking it’s best to just clear the air. “I don’t sleep with guys. I’m not…” I was going to say like Cyn, but I stop myself. “I just don’t.” He stares at me, his expression surprisingly blank. Finally, he smirks. “I can respect that.” He lets out a breath that sounds sort of frustrated or sad maybe. “I hope you didn’t think I expected it. I mean just because…” Now he’s blushing and looking around like he wants to make sure we’re alone. “Just because I think you’re sexy as hell, doesn’t mean I expect you to sleep with me.” I want to feel relief, but I’m mostly embarrassed and nervous to be having this discussion. And I’m the one who started it. He leans forward and makes sure I’m looking at him. “You know that, right? That I would never expect it.” Finally, the relief I wanted floods into me and I smile. I nod, well, it’s more like I’m nodding and shaking my head at the same time. “Thanks, Rome. I just…suddenly…well, thanks.” He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “God. You are so adorable.” I roll my eyes, because I really hate being called cute. “I can’t be sexy and adorable.” He steps back like I’ve shocked him. “Who says?” “Well, I do. Sexy is, I don’t know, vixen-like, I guess. Adorable is cute. Vixen’s are never cute.” “Oh, Lola. You are so very wrong about that.” Excerpt: Jay’s smile falters, but he turns to leave. “Thanks for introducing me to this, Lola.” “Sure thing.” I hope not walking out with him lets him know I’m not interested. It’s so frustrating to suddenly have to consider all of my actions and reactions around him. My arms are overflowing with wads of wrapping material when I walk out of the bedroom and directly into Rod. My burden erupts like a volcano before cascading to the floor. Rod grabs my arms to keep me from falling. “This is a bad habit of ours,” he says. I’m hyper aware of his long fingers wrapped around my arms. His touch is gentle, yet it pulses with heat. “What habit?” “Running into each other.” At my confused look he clarifies. “At my school that day. In the hall.” The mere mention of that day’s brush of a touch resurrects the ghost of it and goosebumps erupt down the back of my arm. “Oh, yeah.” “You okay?” “Sure. Fine.” Unless you consider my rapid pulse a problem. Rod scoops up most of the paper. It doesn’t look nearly as cumbersome wrapped by his long arms. “Are you all done in there? Tess wants to lock up.” “Talia’s collecting tools.” As we pass Tess, Rod tells her, “You’ve got one more back there.” “Okay. Thanks for your hard work today, you guys.” Rod and I toss our trash in the dumpster and then walk over to the storage container together. “So, is Jay the guy?” Rod asks. “What guy?” “The one you’ve liked since elementary school. The one you aren’t sure you’ve got something going on with?” “Oh. No.” I’m embarrassed to hear my words repeated. They make me feel flighty. Indecisive. “’Cause, he’s definitely into you. He didn’t stop talking about you all day.” We enter the storage container and I’m glad for the darkness. I groan. “Really? I was afraid of that.” “You don’t like him?” Rod returns his tools and tool belt while he’s talking. “No. Well, I’ve always liked him as a friend. I only recently wondered if maybe he likes me…more.” I sigh and hand the clipboard with the sign-out sheet to him. “What do I do? I don’t want to encourage him, but I also don’t want to alienate him.” He enters the time onto the sheet and then reaches behind me to hang it back up again. Suddenly I realize how close we’re standing and my breath catches. He looks down and I can see it dawn on him too, but instead of stepping back he becomes unnaturally still. His eyes explore mine, his expression equal parts hunger and calm. Some latent animal instinct wants me to reach for him. Pull him to me. Consume him. I’m shocked with myself. I’ve never experienced such a physical need before, but the hunger in his eyes has somehow stoked my own appetite. Then his expression clears. He drops his arm back to his side and turns to leave the container as if nothing passed between us. I walk alongside him, surprised I can seem so unaffected when my entire being feels altered. “You tell him,” Rod says. “You say you think you’ve noticed that he seems different around you and that you hope he understands that the two of you are friends.” I open my mouth to reject the idea, but I spot Dave across the yard, watching us. “Yeah. Maybe you’re right.” “See ya, Lola.” I slow my pace, while Rod jogs over to Stretch Armstrong. Seeing the man reminds me of how much I don’t know about Rod. At first, I didn’t want to ask what he was doing his community service for because it seemed rude. But now? If it’s really bad will it change how I see him? How I feel about him? Get your copy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks About the author: When her children were young and the electricity winked out, Kai Strand gathered her family around the fireplace and they told stories, one sentence at a time. Her boys were rather fond of the ending, “And then everybody died. The end.” Now an award winning children’s author, Kai crafts fiction for kids and teens to provide an escape hatch from their reality. With a selection of novels for young adult and middle grade readers Kai entertains children of all ages, and their adults. Learn more about Kai and her books on her website, Mailing List| Facebook| Twitter| Instagram|Amazon| Dear Younger Me, I know you’re probably crushing on some guy but think you don’t have a chance with them. Let me tell you something, don’t worry about them. If they can’t see you for how beautiful and awesome you really are, you don’t need them. Don’t laugh. I’m being serious. You don’t have to settle for someone because you’re afraid no one can love you for who you are. You’re beautiful, and you deserve a good man. Wait for him. It’ll be hard, but you know, I’m sure one day it will be worth it. (BTW, still waiting.) Live life. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Don’t be afraid to love. Don’t be afraid of anything. God is for you, no one can be against you. You have a purpose. You’ll struggle to find that purpose, but remember that God’s timing is always perfect. He knows what you need when you need it, don’t push Him. You’ll make mistakes, but the lessons you learn from these mistakes are invaluable. They push you to be a better person, but don’t let them tear you down. Remember, if God can forgive you, you can forgive yourself. Just do it. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You’re beautiful. You’ll learn this lesson, but until you do, try to see yourself as God sees you. It will be easier for you in the end. Everything happens for a reason. Don’t let it get you down. Just brush off the dust and keep going. You’ll be fine. Life is hard. You’ll scream; you’ll cry; you’ll beg for help. But, you’ll laugh; you’ll smile; you’ll help others. What you’re going through will be fuel. You can change the world if only you believe in yourself. You’re loved. You’re loved by your family and friends, and most importantly, by God. Now, you just have to love yourself. You’ll have nieces and nephews who will be your world, and they’ll make everything seem brighter just by knowing their beautiful faces. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. Shoot for the moon and reach for your dreams. Never give up on your dream of writing. Pursue what makes you happy, and don’t let the naysayers stand in the way of that. Life isn’t exactly how you pictured it, but it’s amazing. You will not want anything different in the end. Life is too beautiful to hate it. Just remember that. Sincerely, Future Me About Emerald Barnes: Emerald Barnes resides in a small town in Mississippi and has the accent to prove it. She’s an auntie, a youth leader, a Whovian, a little bit of a nerd, a reader, a writer, and a family-oriented person. God is number One in her life, and she thanks Him continuously for His love and favor. She’s addicted to tv and binge-watching shows, and she has a thing for superheroes. Connect with Emerald: Website: Blog: Pinterest: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Fan Team: Amazon: I'm so excited for my young adult book, Can Dreams Come True? to release on March 20th! And now you can pre-order it.
Check out the blurb: Cecily has always had a huge crush on singer Andrew Holiday and she wants to be an actress, so she tags along when her friend auditions for his new video. However, the director isn’t looking for an actress, but rather the girl next door—and so is Andrew. Cecily gets a part in the video and all of Andrew’s attention on the set. Her friend begins to see red and Cecily’s boyfriend is seeing green—as in major jealousy. A misunderstanding leaves Cecily and her boyfriend on the outs and Andrew hopes to pick up the pieces as he’s looking for someone more stable in his life than the models he’s dated. Soon Cecily begins to realize Andrew understands her more than her small-town boyfriend—but can her perfect love match really be her favorite rock star? The book releases in both ebook and paperback on March 20th and you can pre-order the book here: Amazon US: Amazon UK: Amazon IN: Amazon Germany: Amazon Canada: Amazon AUS: ![]() Luck of the Irish $250 GiveawayMarch 1st to 31stFeeling Lucky?Enter to win $250 in PayPal Cash or a $250 Amazon Gift CodeSponsor List - Thanks to these awesome authors & bloggers for making this giveaway possible! I Am A Reader Coupons and Freebies Mom Rockin' Book Reviews Laurisa White Reyes, Author Helen Smith Simple Wyrdings Author Laurie Treacy Julie Coulter Bellon B. Kristin McMichael P. Creeden Books Lori's Reading Corner Ann Swann - Suspense & more La libreria di Beppe Elizabeth Isaacs Bella Street Time Travel Romance Author Inger Iversen Krysten Lindsay Hager author Author Dorothy Dreyer Jennifer Bardsley My Life. One Story at a Time. Suzie @ Remembrancy Jaclyn Weist Among the Reads Lise McClendon Suzy Turner Author Wendi Sotis Charissa Stastny - author Caroline Clemmons CoolCatMysteries Stacking My Book Shelves! The Candid Cover Christy's Cozy Corners Nancy C. Weeks Glistering: B's Blog Author Erin Richards Elizabeth Meyette, Author Donna Amis Davis Author D.E. Haggerty Samantha Anne JeanBookNerd Bookroom Reviews R.A.Donnelly CBY Book ClubGiveaway Details$250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 eGift Card Ends 3/31/18 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via Paypal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the authors, bloggers, and publishers on the sponsor list. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway 2 Attachments |
AuthorAuthor of the Landry's True Colors Series, the Cecily Taylor Series, the Star Series, and Dating the It Guy. Archives
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