.So for years I didn't have a music crush other than George Michael & it's very hard working on a book series dealing with a music crush without having one who was...well, currently with us for inspiration. You know that feeling of anticipation you get when they drop a new single. Then a couple months ago I saw (and heard) a clip of a video in someone's IG story & did some snooping to find out who he was because I loved the song. Happy to announce I finally have had some musical inspiration the last few months while editing In Over Her Head & working on book 3 in the Cecily Taylor series. Meet Matt...oh & his last name was chosen to be the Polish word for humility. Swoon. My mother calls him all my past crushes since I was a kid rolled into one--she sees George in there, Beckham, Snow (forgive me), John Schneider, a soccer player you've never heard of, and a 2nd soccer player you've never heard of....Anyway, meet Matt. I love his music!
I'm so excited to share the cover for my young adult romantic comedy, In Over Her Head: Lights, Camera, Anxiety, with you! The book is now available to pre-order on Amazon as well. You can follow Cecily on her modeling and acting journey. Check out the blurb here:
Cecily wants a big life, but can she handle it? Cecily Taylor Damone feels like she has it all: great best friends, the beginnings of a career as a model/actress, and she's dating her favorite singer, Andrew Holiday. Just when it seems like all her dreams are coming true, everything comes crashing down when a photo of Andrew with another girl appears online. He swears nothing happened, but Cecily is crushed. She feels like she lost two of the people closest to her. Was her perfect relationship real, or was she in over her head? You can pre-order it here: Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VRYS65N/ Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07VRYS65N Amazon Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07VRYS65N Amazon Japan: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07VRYS65N Amazon IN: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07VRYS65N The book releases on September 3rd in both ebook and paperback formats! You can find book one here: https://www.amazon.com/Dreams-Come-True-Cecily-Taylor-ebook/dp/B079S3KJSH Book jacket blurb: Cecily feels like she has it all: great best friends, the beginnings of a career as a model/actress, and she’s dating her favorite singer, Andrew Holiday. Then Cecily’s best friend Lila begins to ditch her every time Lila’s boyfriend calls. Cecily feels lost, but she and Andrew begin connecting more and she’s never been in a relationship where she felt so understood. Andrew even begins to confide in her about his anxiety. Soon Cecily experiences her own anxiety on a magazine photo shoot, but she manages to impress the magazine staff. Just when it seems like all her dreams are coming true, everything comes crashing down when a photo of Andrew with another girl appears online. He swears nothing happened, but Cecily is crushed. She feels like she’s lost two of the people closest to her. Was her perfect relationship real or was she in over her head? Thanks to Cora Graphics for this beautiful cover! ![]() It's getting closer to release day for In Over Her Head: Lights, Camera, Anxiety and the cover reveal is about to take place! It's the second book in my young adult Cecily Taylor Series. I'd love your help with this if you'd like to share it on any of your social media pages or blogs. If you'd like to help you can either share on the day I post it or if you'd like you can message me and I'll send you the cover, book blurb, and links. Just message me here at: www.krystenlindsay.com/contact.html I am really grateful to all the support I've gotten and can't wait for this book to release! ![]() Teen to Teen Academic Planner 2019-2020 This planner starts up at the very end of July 2019 and goes until June 2020. The planner has a hard cover and has both monthly and weekly spreads. It has a “dates to remember” section as well as a monthly area to write down each month’s goals. It comes with a weekly schedule for classes and a semester planner. There’s also a small section for phone numbers and addresses. The weekly spreads have blank boxes so you have the freedom to set it up however you’d like. Each page has a short devotional or quote written by a teen. The monthly calendar contains scripture. It has a very simple design, but seeing as people like to decorate their planners with washi tape and stickers, this gives you plenty or space to customize it. The planner lays flat and has a very clean design. There is a lot of room to write and decorate the pages, so if you like to get creative with your planners then this would be perfect. The only issue I had with it is the cover has a smell to it. Although it has features for teens, this would work very well for a college student or anyone who likes a clean space to decorate. I think it'd be helpful for anyone who takes a lot of classes outside of college to keep things on track. I received this book from BH Publishing and Lifeway in return for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I'm excited to announce that In Over Her Head: Lights, Camera, Anxiety (Book Two in The Cecily Taylor Series) will be released on September 3rd. I can't wait for you to read this one! I'll be doing a cover reveal and book blurb reveal very soon, so make sure to stay tuned on my social media pages and sign up for my newsletter to get updates. If you'd like to be part of my cover reveal just send me a message. Thanks so much for the support for the Cecily Taylor Series. I'm so excited to share the next part of Cecily's journey with you. ![]() Today I welcome author Joey Paul back on the blog. We did a fun interview to celebrate the release of her new book! Check it out below. How did the idea for your book come about? I was talking to a friend about our favourite Sci-fi show, and we were throwing ideas back and forth about what kind of worlds and planets the Doctor could come across. My idea was a world where everyone died at 60 resonated with us both, but also gave me the idea for Lights Out. Originally it was going to be a standalone, but as I started writing it, I realised there was no way I could finish it the way I wanted in one book and thus the trilogy was born! Tell us about how the cover came to be. My cover designer is also my best friend, she and I wanted to make it clear that the lights, and the colours of the lights mattered a lot to the story, which they do. We already have the whole series planned cover wise, but for this cover we wanted it to just showcase the events and the lightbulbs that told the story of the event itself. I adore the cover and can't wait to see the next two done! Talk about your main character. Was she based on your own experiences or completely fictional? Lock was a mixture, but mostly, she's completely fictional. I'm not an amputee, though I did end up in a wheelchair when I was a teen, and while Lock's world is a lot more “equal” there are still parts of wheelchair life that some people just aren't aware of, like cracked pavements and buses not always having the access you need. Lock is a fiery character in that she knows what she wants, what she believes, and what she thinks is right she will follow. I have loved watching her grow through the series and I can't wait to show the world just how different the Lock you first meet in Light Out is compared to the final book. What influences your writing? Television, movies, music, other books or art? I'm gonna go with all of the above, though I don't watch much television or movies and I struggle with music because of Auditory Processing Disorder, but I do read a ton. I think it's important to read as a writer, but it doesn't have to be to the level that I or other writers do. You gotta do what works for you. I'm also influenced a lot by just dreaming up situations and seeing how they might work in reality. I've always had a wild imagination, and it's helped with this kind of work! If you could be any fictional character, who would you pick? Oh! That's a hard one! I think it would have to be someone like Kinsey Milhone from Sue Grafton's Alphabet series. I adore her and have always managed to re-read the whole series once a year – even though she died a few years ago and the final book is never coming out, which saddens me, but I understand why Grafton wouldn't want people to mess with her fictional world. What is your favorite book? Eeek! Oh don't make me choose!! I adore reading, I do, it's something that has got me through a whole ton of hospital stays and moments when I just don't want to be where I am. I'm going to cheat here and say that my favourite book is all of the Alphabet series by Sue Grafton because I can always sink into those pages and feel at home. Who is your favorite singer? As I said above, I don't do well with music because of hearing issues, but I do love a UK band called Busted. They were the first band I saw live, and when they split in 2005 my heart broke, but then they got back together in 2015 and it's just like yes! And out of the three, I have to pick Matt Willis. If you had to make a playlist or soundtrack for your book, what songs would you include? Hmm...I don't think I could do this myself, it would be something that I'd ask a friend to do. They have much more of a wide range of musical knowledge than I do! Here’s a question I love to ask! What book have you read that you would love to have written yourself? Oh! This one really makes you think, doesn't it? I'm not sure, I read so many books, but I do wish one series that I've read that I could've written myself, or at least a couple of the books because it's a US based series, but has the characters (in two different books) come to the UK and she gets SO much wrong! I wish I could've written those so that I could've gotten it all perfect! But that's just me! LIGHTS OUT BLURB: Ever since the war ended, the United English Cityships have had equality. The rules are clear. You are born, you live and the day following your sixtieth birthday, you are sent off for your final sleep. Lock is a firm believer in the system. It means that everyone is truly treated equally. It’s only when she checks in an attendee who claims to be younger than her chip says that Lock starts to realise there may be someone gaming the system. The problem is the corruption goes higher than Lock could even begin to imagine. As her belief in the world she lives in starts to crumble, Lock finds herself wanting justice for those who have gone before their time. Can she do it? Or will they silence her before she can get the word out? LIGHTS OUT BUY LINK: Universal ebook link: http://www.books2read.com/LOUT Paperback: Paperback: AMAZON: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1724658352/ BARNES & NOBLE: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lights-out-joey-paul/1131528867?ean=9781724658357 BOOK DEPOSITORY: https://www.bookdepository.com/Lights-Out-Joey-Paul/9781724658357?ref=grid-view&qid=1562735792503&sr=1-1 BOOKS A MILLION: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Lights-Out/Joey-Paul/9781724658357?id=7282804459968 INDIE BOUND: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781724658357 BIO: Joey Paul is an award-winning indie author, exploring the young adult genre. She has released fifteen books in total so far, with the sixteenth due out in 2019. Her current works include the "Dying Thoughts" series, which is eight books and the "Lights Out" trilogy, as well as several standalone novels. She writes across genres, with crime, mystery, paranormal, sci-fi and dystopian being the ones most frequently on her list. She is writing her next two books at the moment, having recently finished her last two. Joey is disabled and a graduate from The Open University with a BA (Hons) in Health & Social Care. When not reading medical textbooks, she enjoys reading crime novels, medical dramas and young adult novels. When she's out and about, she likes looking for Tupperware in the woods with GPS satellites, otherwise known as geocaching. And when she's not doing THAT, she's sleeping! She's 37 and has been writing since she was retired from her job on medical grounds at the age of 19. She plans to write for as long as she has ideas or until someone tells her to stop! AUTHOR LINKS: BLOG: www.joeypaulonline.com/ TUMBLR: authorjoeypaul.tumblr.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com/JoeyPaulOnline TWITTER: twitter.com/MsJoeyBug INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/authorjoeypaul GOODREADS: http://bit.ly/1UcS61E ![]() 10 Things You Might Not Know About Author, A.R. Conti Fulwell
Website: www.arcontifulwell.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ARContiFulwell Instagram: @arcontifulwell Blog: www.arcontifulwell.wordpress.com Angels in Darkness Relentless refusing to be beaten, Piero Catone is looking for a rematch. Convinced that Lina’s love is the only thing that will save him from himself, he sets off to win her at any cost. Lina, now the Princess Clarice Angelina d’Orsini wife of Lorenzo de Medici, will not be strong armed so easily. When Piero’s plan goes terribly wrong, he finds himself faced with a straight-forward decision: will he follow the light or surrender to the darkness? BACK COVER BLURB: Now Lord of Casatona, Signore Piero Catone does not take well to defeat. After the cloak and dagger trick Lina orchestrated in order to save the prince, Lorenzo de Medici, Piero is not giving up without a fight. Seeing Lina as the only light his life ever had, he sets out to woo a married woman, no matter who or what he tears down in the process. When his aggressive attempt to make Lina run away with him goes awry, Piero barely survives a two-story fall from the Medici Palace balcony. Caught in a coma between life and death, Piero must decide which is more important: fighting or forgiveness. Fueled by anger and vengeance, Carità DelCuore is out for blood – Medici blood. Bitter and outraged over her father’s unjust imprisonment for crimes he didn’t commit, Carità finds herself in the right place at the right time as the real culprit falls off the Medici Palace balcony, practically into her lap. Doing everything she can to nurse the man back to help in order to get the answers she needs to free her father, Cartià is taken by the nameless man when he regains consciousness. Will she give her heart to a nameless man or will she seek revenge on the Medici’s rendering an eye for an eye? ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A. R. Conti Fulwell holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Malone University and a master’s degree in Education from Walsh University. Her storytelling journey began many years ago when her mother showed her the magic of rewriting fairytales. She claims it is the cure for insomnia, or at least it was for her. Influenced the greats – Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, T. S. Eliot, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Amanda resides near Canton, Ohio, and can usually be found curled up with a book, a pen and paper, or behind a camera shooting a short film. ![]() I thought I'd share a few of my favorite books that I've read over and over again. Let me know in the comments if you've read any of these and share your favorite books with me! Good-bye, Glamour Girl by Erika Tamar. I read this for the first time the summer after 5th grade. It’s a coming of age story about a girl whose family escaped Europe during WWII and she is trying to assimilate in America. Frida’s Bed by Slavenka Drakulic. This is a fictionalized version of Frida Kahlo’s life. Completely gripping as you see how Frida dealt with constant physical pain and how it impacted her artwork as well as her personal life. An amazing book. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. There’s more than just a forbidden love story here. Tolstoy writes about the time period and manages to work the political climate and economic structure into the book without making it too weighty. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I didn’t appreciate this book when we read it in school, but I fell in love with it when I read it as an adult. The symbolism, Gatsby, Nick, and the way Fitzgerald shows that desperation and longing. Love, love, love. Life is a Gift by Tony Bennett. The title says it all. I love that Tony feels we keep creating all through our lives. Hangin’ Out with Cici by Francine Pascal. One of my favorite YA novels of all time. Victoria time travels to see what her mother was like as a kid. The humor in this one is great. The Crack-Up by F. Scott Fitzgerald. His honesty, his beauty with phrasing, and his humor—it’s all here. What’s not to love? The Great Mom Swap by Betsey Haynes. (Middle grade novel) One of the characters, Scottie, wants to be an author and I was obsessed with this book as a kid. Thanks for stopping by! Take a look at this brand-new fantasy adventure story with a hint of romance by author Annie Douglass Lima.
You can download a copy of the ebook for free between July 9th and 11th! Book Description: Life as the king’s younger sister should be exciting. Not for Princess Kalendria. She’s sick of the dissent and of constantly having her family undermined by those who think they could rule Malorn better than King Korram. Hoping to lighten the mood in the palace, Kalendria plans a ball to celebrate her seventeenth birthday. It doesn’t hurt that their handsome Alasian ally King Jaymin has promised to attend, and she’s been waiting for him to notice her for as long as she can remember. But unfriendly forces have their own party plans. When Kalendria, Korram, and Jaymin barely survive an assassination attempt, their only recourse is to flee into the wilderness. Tracked by unknown assassins, they must figure out whom they can trust and who is behind the plot. Can Kalendria help her brother reclaim his throne – oh, and catch Jaymin’s attention while she’s at it – before they are all killed and war destroys both kingdoms? Click here to download your copy of King of Malorn on Amazon now! Click here to see King of Malorn on Goodreads. Series Information: King of Malorn is book 5 in the Annals of Alasia. But don't worry if you haven't read the others; it will still make sense on its own. Each of the first four books can stand on its own as well. They each deal with events surrounding the same major political incident: the invasion of the kingdom of Alasia by the neighboring kingdom of Malorn. Prince of Alasia begins on the night of the Invasion and describes what happens to twelve-year-old Prince Jaymin after he is forced to flee for his life. In the Enemy’s Service features a girl as the protagonist and tells the story of those who were not able to escape from the Alasian palace when the enemy invaded. Prince of Malorn begins several months earlier and focuses on the Malornian perspective of the events leading up to the Invasion. The Nameless Soldier shows how a young Alasian soldier lives through the Invasion but then has to survive and make a name for himself in enemy-occupied Alasia. In each of the books, main characters from the others make brief appearances and interact with each other at the point where the timeframes and settings overlap. I also have a short ebook of “interviews” that I conducted with the characters in the other three books. Annals of Alasia: The Collected Interviews is not available on Amazon, but I send a free copy to anyone who signs up for my mailing list (to receive updates when I release new books or occasionally offer them for free). Author Biography: Annie Douglass Lima considers herself fortunate to have traveled in twenty different countries and lived in four of them. A fifth-grade teacher in her “other” life, she loves reading to her students and sparking their imaginations. Her books include science fiction, fantasy, YA action and adventure novels, a puppet script, anthologies of her students’ poetry, and Bible verse coloring and activity books. When she isn’t teaching or writing, Annie can often be found sipping spiced chai or pomegranate green tea in exotic locations, some of which exist in this world. Author Contact Info: Email: [email protected] Blog: http://anniedouglasslima.blogspot.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnieDouglassLimaAuthor Twitter: https://twitter.com/princeofalasia Goodreads: http://bit.ly/ADLimaOnGoodreads Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/anniedouglasslima LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/ADLimaOnLinkedIn Bloglovin: https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/letters-from-annie-douglass-lima-6275229 Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/annie-douglass-lima |
AuthorAuthor of the Landry's True Colors Series, the Cecily Taylor Series, the Star Series, and Dating the It Guy. Archives
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